Earring Wire Tutorial

It's been a busy week - Aren't they all in the Spring?  I'm way behind on my On-Line class at TAO (Teaching Art On-Line).  I need to be into the second module and I just now completed the first one....I think.  What we've been doing is to work on a down loadable PDF to give away.   Since I make my own earring wires I thought it would be as good a place as any to start.  I've taught - a lot - and always given away handouts when I teach.  I mean why make everyone try and take notes when they want to be concentrating on the project?  So I create a decent handout they can write details on but they don't have to try and write the entire lesson.  But, this is my first PDF.  I've uploaded it - and universe willing (which basically means I've got my fingers crossed I did this right) you can download it and it's free.

Let me know how it works for you and what you like or don't like.  Does it make sense?  I'm a work in progress here and welcome constructive criticism.  The photography could be more consistent but it's not awful.

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