Thinking Pumpkin here! These are Mac-O-Lanterns from Indestructables.
I wish we had little ones around because I used to love to decorate the house up. It was an all out front porch festival….bales of hay, lights, pumpkins, corn stalks. I just loved it. Now…well, we don’t even have neighbors with kids. Mine are grown. Really, I need to move – this is retirement villa and I’m prepared for adoption. I don’t care if they are the neighbor’s kids….send them here and I will bake cookies. Uh, I can also do carrots if you’re into the vegetarian thing better. And I’m damn crafty and entertaining.
Today an email from Indestructables arrived and reminded me of the whole holiday thing. This reminds me I need to get my “Nightmare” Christmas tree out; but first, about the email. Sometimes they (Indestrucables) just crack me up. I’ve posted a photo from there. They’ve a whole section of Halloween ideas.
I’ve also added a link to one of the best pumpkin carvers I have ever seen. I’d carve one but no one would see it here. Instead I gave money to the local Halloween party given by the Lion’s club. Actually, it’s a huge bash I’ve mentioned before that’s held at the High School.
Enjoy the links…….
Ray Villafane - This is a link to the greatest pumpkin carver of all time! His U-Tube tutorials. This is his site: Villafane Studios