Good Art Fair Advice

This is a re-post of an article appearing on a newsletter I receive from Tonya Davidson. I thought you might enjoy it since we are beginning the art show season and everyone who does art fairs is getting ready. Sometimes it’s hard to psyche yourself up for it. You have to set up a booth (not easy work) and try and look sane and together if the show starts that day. With any luck you have a Friday set-up and at least can get a shower and good nights sleep before it begins. But still, sometimes it can be hard to look all perky when you’d rather be home creating rather than selling. I get it! I’ve been there – done that. Read on…..

Do you enjoy selling your work or would you rather just create?

Did you know that you are a born salesperson and that you can sell your work better than anyone else?

So why not embrace your salesmanship qualities and realize the profits from your gifts?

7 Ways to Sell Without Being Salesy…and Enjoy It!

1. First and always, have a good mindset/attitude.

Embrace the idea that you are sharing your genius, your gift with that person, and shower them with love and confidence. Believe in your work and in your ability to connect with the customer.

It’s not about you. It’s about them.

How can you make them feel welcome on your site, in your booth, in your ad? How can you improve their life with your art? You need to believe in the importance of your work and in connecting with your ideal customer.

2. Be likeable!

Work hard to share content, ideas, and support others so they know, trust and like you. People buy from those they like. People refer others to those they know, trust and like. Be honest, insightful and lead with integrity!

3. Come from a place of service

If you approach every sale from a place of service you will win them over. Ask yourself, how can I best serve them? How can I shower them with love?

We are all here to serve in some greater capacity. What’s your level of service going to be?

4. Be a great listener

As the famous marketing expert Harvey Mackay says “A salesperson tells, a good salesperson explains, and a great salesperson demonstrates.”

Listening gives you the secret sauce. Hear their objections and take advantage of the opportunity to meet and dispel their pre-conceived notions.

5. Be prepared

Having systems in place, a booth that is well put together, an ad that is well constructed with great copy, a 3 month marketing campaign prior to your event, and the energy to meet and greet your customer is essential.

Having this energy and preparedness is the ultimate way to serve and it allows you to attract top shelf customers. Remember we are all energy and we attract to us what we exude and embody.

It won’t do you any good to go to that show grumpy, or to list that piece of jewelry without a loving description or effort.

6. Have a thirst for self-improvement

By improving and investing in your business you have the inside track to sales. Your booth, ads, website should exude that professionalism, authority and confidence. By improving yourself and getting support, you’ll find your business at the top!

7. Be a goal-setter

Going to a show, paying for an ad, or listing items on Etsy without goals in mind of how fast they should sell, how much you expect to make, or how many connections you intend to make are mindless actions without merit… or measurable results.

Start setting goals, setting expectations for yourself and your business and do whatever it takes to meet those goals. You take one small action each day toward those goals until you conquer them and then you ask “what’s next”.

As Ben Franklin said “Plough deep while sluggards sleep.”

Have a way to track your goals, gets stats on how you are doing and ask what you can do better.

And most importantly TAKE ACTION!

Original Article by…

Teacher, mentor, artist and founder of the Artful Success Program, Tonya Davidson helps artists take their techniques and business skills to the next level. As the CEO and founder of Whole Lotta Whimsy she has passionately empowered artists to live creatively from the inside out. Create the life you love by subscribing to her ezine, reading her blog, or following her on facebook/twitter!

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