She Sells Sea Shells...

I kept thinking about that tongue twister while I was on the beach in South Carolina. Unlike the beaches here in Michigan there are sea shells everywhere. Michigan is surrounded by lakes but the shells you find are generally smallish. They’re good for slipping into tiny glass globes and look great but they aren't generally very large. The ones on the Atlantic Ocean where we were at were thick, juicy, tumbled, strong, interesting. It could be “new eyes”. I love going new places - it doesn't have to be anywhere fancy just some place new and I'm like a kid in a candy store. It just all soaks into me like a dry sponge.

Before the storm rolled into the Surf Side Beach from the main Myrtle Beach drag I began picking up shells to use in mixed media pieces. I'd tell you all about those pieces but I have no idea yet except some of them have natural holes so they'd be great hanging in pieces like the talisman necklace.

You could see the storm coming as it crossed into the ocean and the swarming air born sand began to obliterate our view of the ocean front hotels. I'd probably be the person out chasing a storm somewhere - I find it facinating. The kids were laughing at me as I filled the pockets in my dress to overflowing with all of these. The multi-textures are great and could be used to pattern some clay pieces too.

These were some of the stones we recovered while panning at Emerald Village. There's rose quartz, tiny garnets, mica, amythyst, topaz, and so much more. Some of them might be going into wire wrapped pieces I hope. My Daughter took the larger pieces home with her for her pond and left me with some really nice pieces to use for jewelry.

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