Last Comments on the Faerie Con Adventure

I have more photos and will leave you with just few parting shots…my suggestion for next year is that they hang photography stations so that all of us who are toting cameras around will have better backdrops to photograph against. And, I’ll tell you – I rarely saw anyone without their camera.

This outfit is for the very daring. It was one of the many in the Steampunk booth - It says "Treasure Chest" on the front. No other comments needed!

Need some wings ? - Pick your color, your type, and you are definitely in business.

Another Steampunk booth - They had just the greatest leather and goggles. Susan kept wondering if she could get a didyium lens for some of them.

Perfect ballgown for the Bad Faerie Ball - How much you ask? I couldn't bare to look.

These faerie balls were from the Faerie World Magazine booth. Yes, they have that magazine too. Go out to your local purveyor of magazine and find one to read. Great fun in there too.

It’s back to reality in all ways today. The last of the photos (almost!) and time to get the house cleaned for Holiday Company. That will snap anyone back in the game! Ugh.

I changed the tree topper and put a skull cap on the skeleton instead of a bridal veil – it isn’t quite making the grade either. And, after seeing all of the costumes at Faerie Con I need to shape up my skills a little and get something zippier. Maybe he needs a set of wings! I will save that for next year as I don’t even have time to contemplate doing something like that right now.

At the Con I learned a new term, “Wing Whacked”. That’s what you get when you walk down an aisle with lots of faerie’s coming your direction who are wearing their wings….Yup, “wing whacked”! You learn to do a little ducking and they do a faerie shuffle if they notice you. Use your imagination on that one. Where is that unabridged dictionary when you need it – I think I have new meanings to submit.

TAH TAH - For Now!

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